

How Businesses and Corporations Can Help


Helping Hand of Myrtle Beach relies on corporate generosity

Helping Hand of Myrtle Beach relies heavily on the generosity and donations of our business and corporate partners. While the organization is known primarily for providing food to the hungry, it also provides thousands in direct rent and utility assistance. Each year we help thousands of families through some of the toughest times in their lives. In fact, in 2021 Helping hand was able to keep over 400 households with a roof over their heads and over 100 families keep the lights on. These are the services where we need your help, specifically your financial support.


Offering a hand up, not a hand out

We understand that making an investment in a charitable organization is no different than any other investment in your business. You want to insure your money is being put to good use and you’re able to see a direct ROI. This is where Helping Hand of Myrtle Beach is different. Our rental and utility assistance services provide those in need with a one-time support system to help in times of trouble. We are not in the business of simply subsidizing rent.

  • Our patrons must show our assistance will help solve the problem, not just provide a temporary band-aid.

  • Patrons must go through a thorough screening process. This includes interviews as well as contacting their landlord to ensure if we provide assistance the patron will be able to remain in their home.

  • Rent & utility services are only available once every 12 months.

  • Every dollar of your donation is accounted for and the results available for you to see.



Helping Hand of Myrtle Beach’s revenue sources and giving

Food donations and distributions remain the majority of Helping Hand’s community assistance, however that is not the primary need in Myrtle Beach. With the rising costs of rent and utilities our clients are in dire need of a bridge to help them get through a tough time in their lives. We need our corporate and business partners to donate financially so that we can expand our rent and utility assistance programs and help the many cases that unfortunately are turned away every year. Can we count on your commitment?



Our Community

To learn more about the clients we serve and the crises they face, please click here to download an infographic for your use.

Our Services

To learn more about how we serve our clients, please click here.

Our Mission

Request a presentation from our Executive Director to learn more about our organization and mission by clicking here.

Our Partners

In addition to our church sponsors and partners, Helping Hand of Myrtle Beach is proud to partner with local businesses and corporations who support our mission.