Our Services

emergency food

We provide five days of emergency food, along with hygiene items if requested, to individuals and families experiencing short-term need.

transportation assistance

When possible, our agency helps clients in crisis with their transportation needs. These services are limited.

utility assistance

With available funding, our agency assists with utility bills. These services are limited. To discuss utilities, the client must have a copy of the bill.

Something else?

211 is the most comprehensive source of information about local resources and services in the country.

rent assistance

With available funding, our agency assists with Rent. These services are limited. To discuss rent assistance, the client must have a legal lease showing an annual rental, and a letter from the landlord stating that the client owes rent.

Sc Thrive benefits

Through SC Thrive, our agency screens clients (by appointment only) to determine the benefits they are eligible for.

No person shall be excluded from service and/or discriminated against in the type of services provided to Helping Hand clients because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, national origin, and/or all other classes and characteristics protected by law. 

There shall be no segregation of persons served based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, national origin, and/or all other classes and characteristics protected by law.